Who we are

We are leaders in providing the shortest response time to our clients' requirements efficiently and safely.

SoldesP, with over 25 years of experience, specializes in preventive and corrective maintenance of plants, engineering and construction projects, repair and assembly of mining equipment, as well as manufacturing and/or assembly of special parts and components, piping, structures, and industrial components, offering multidisciplinary solutions to all challenges.

Nos caracterizamos por tener equipos de profesionales altamente comprometidos con el resultado de los contratos con nuestros clientes, basando nuestras relaciones comerciales en la confianza y seriedad para el desarrollo de cada uno de estos.

Our main objective is to provide a quick and reliable response to the urgent needs of our clients.

Our mission

We are a committed ally to the needs of our clients, offering multidisciplinary solutions to all challenges, addressing them quickly, efficiently, and safely, with a focus on the quality of the services provided. We have highly committed collaborators focused on the continuous development of the company in all its lines of business.

Our vision

To position SoldesP’s performance, offering multidisciplinary solutions to large companies nationwide, actively promoting female participation in all disciplines we engage with our clients, and expanding internationally in the assembly and installation of specific steam-operated parts and components (Boilers) worldwide.

Corporate values

Value for life

We value the life of each member of our organization, therefore, we do not compromise on safety and health in our actions and decisions.

Integrity and ethics

We are consistent in our actions, we keep our promises, and we act with honesty, respect, fairness, and ethics.

Customer focus

We place the customer at the center of all decisions and efforts, adapting flexibly to their needs and exceeding their expectations.

Diversity and inclusion

We promote the appreciation and promotion of diversity in the workplace and respect for all individuals.

Respect for the community and the environment

We respect the rights of local communities and minimize environmental impact through sustainable productivity.


Focus on achieving common goals and objectives with efficiency in task execution, continuous process improvement, and fulfilling commitments.


Valor por la vida

Valoramos la vida de cada uno de los integrantes de nuestra organización, por lo que no negociamos con la Seguridad y Salud en nuestras acciones y decisiones.

Integridad y ética

Somos consecuentes en nuestras acciones, cumplimos nuestras promesas y actuamos con honestidad, respeto, justicia y ética.

Enfoque en el cliente

Ponemos al cliente en el centro de todas las decisiones y esfuerzos, adaptándonos flexiblemente a sus necesidades y superando sus expectativas.

Diversidad e inclusión

Fomentamos la apreciación y promoción de la diversidad en el ámbito laboral y respeto hacia todas las personas.

Respeto por la comunidad y el medio ambiente

Respetamos los derechos de las comunidades locales y minimizamos el impacto ambiental a través de productividad sustentable.

Orientación a los resultados

Enfoque en el logro de las metas y objetivos comunes con la eficiencia en la ejecución de las tareas, la mejora continua de procesos y cumpliendo con lo comprometido.

Timeline Milestones of SoldesP

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